Ep 80: How to Overcome Shiny Object Syndrome

What is shiny object syndrome and how can you overcome it?

These are just a few of the questions that you might think of once you enter the virtual assistant or online freelancing world.

Let’s become a M.A.S.T.E.R. of our craft!

While it is not that bad to learn many things, it prevents you from being the best in your chosen expertise. Let’s talk about this now because you might not be aware that you might have it, and it’s about time to pay attention!

Shiny Object Syndrome and How to Overcome It

Ep 123: Is Freelancing Difficult | 5 Truths About Freelancing

Ep 123: Is Freelancing Difficult | 5 Truths About Freelancing

For today's episode, we are going to talk about the 5 truths of freelancing and we are going to answer this common question -- Is freelancing difficult? Join the Freelance Movement Tribe: https://tfmt.ph/join/fwf Is Freelancing Difficult | 5 Truths About Freelancing...

Ep 119: What Do You Need to Start a Virtual Assistant Business

Ep 119: What Do You Need to Start a Virtual Assistant Business

This episode is all about what a virtual assistant needs to do to set up or start their own virtual assistant business. If you or someone you know still has no idea on how to start their business in the virtual world, then this is your chance to learn how!What Do You...

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